功能 Function
1、 该设备能对SF6电器开关抽真空并测定真空度。
vacuum pumping the sf6 switch and testing the limited vacuum.
2、 能对SF6电器开关充入SF6气体。
Back-filling the SF6 gas into the switch.
3、 能对SF6电器开关的气体进行回收。
Reclamation of the SF6 gas from the switch.
4、 能对回收的SF6气体净化处理。
Purification and drying treatment of the reclaimed SF6 GAS.
5、 存储SF6气体。
Storage of the SF6 gas in pressure tank.
主要元件 Main part
1、 真空泵 vacuum pump
Model: LEYBOL R5—0040 40M³/H
2、 压缩机 compressor
Model: COPELAND CA—0300 15M³/H
3、净化系统 filter-driers
Model: CKD滤芯、F-03吸附剂 配有活化加热系统。
It is used to filter and dry the gas. There is a F-03 absorption activating and heating system.
4、冷却系统 cooling system
热交换器,制冷系统,风冷机组 可使SF6液化存储。
Heat-exchanger, refrigerating compressor, air cooling unit
5、存储罐 pressure tank(不含)
100Liter safety valve pressure 2.5Mpa
6、 阀门 valve
球阀 ball-valve
7、控制系统 control system
Using the control system, you can operate the device and monitor all the instruments。
8、连接管道 rubber hose